Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back to School in Three Short Snapshots

Blink started a new school this year. As I've mentioned before, it's a dramatic change from his old school. He's gone from an environment dominated by students with special needs to a mainstream environment. The expectations are much higher at his new school. Here, staff tend to ask themselves, "Is this something Blink can do?" and if the answer is yes, that is the expectation. Clearly, my not-so-little monkey is dealing with a pretty Titanic-sized transition right now.  So, how's it going?  Here are three snapshots:

1.  Blink is playing tag with other kids on the playground at recess!  And, as far as I know, enjoying it immensely.

2.  "There are no bullies at my new school." This statement says it all, doesn't it?

3.  The wonderful autism teacher, checking in with me after a bumpy first few days, told me that Blink is a creative, funny, wonderful boy and it's her mission to make sure that everyone in the school sees that in him.

I'm happy.

1 comment:

Larissa said...

that is SO amazing. you know, the very idea of an "autism teacher" kinda blows my mind.

I am so so SO SO happy that you guys have a good place for your boy to be.